Approved Minors
For your Master’s Program AI, you need to select and complete a minor of 15 ECTS from a pre-approved list, ranging from Astronomy to Scandinavian Studies. These are supposed to give you an opportunity to broaden your perspective and gain experience for future employment in a related field. You cannot mix and match; you need to complete all 15 ECTS within one of these minors.
You can find the full list as well as the component modules of each minor in Campo here (everything labeled “Nebenfach” / starting with “18”).
English Approved Minors
These are approved minors that can be filled completely with modules taught in English. These are relatively new, more information will become available in the future.
- Module Overview
- For questions regarding Biomedical Engineering as a minor, please contact Nora Manz.
- Module Overview
- For questions regarding HPC as a minor, please contact Prof. Dr. Harald Köstler.
- Module Overview
- For questions regarding this minor, please contact Prof. Dr. Frauke Liers.
- Module Overview
- For questions regarding this minor, please contact Prof. Dr. Marc Stamminger.
- German name: Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Overview site for minor Business Economics (both Bachelor and Master)
- Slides of the introductory lecture
German Approved Minors
These minors require selecting one or more modules that are taught in German. Many of these overlap with the minors for the master program in Computer Science.
- German name: Kunstpädagogik
- Module Overview
- German name: Astronomie
- Module Overview
- German name: Biologie
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- For questions regarding Biology as a minor please contact Dr. Susanne Morbach.
- German name: Chemie
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- Please note that you need to get your study plan approved in advance here.
- German name: Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- German name: Sinologie
- Module Overview
- German name: Ökonomie
- Module Overview
- German name: Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- German name: Englische Linguistik
- Module Overview
- For questions regarding English Linguistics as a minor, please contact Dr. Peter Uhrig.
- German name: Geowissenschaften
- Module Overview
- German name: Germanistische Linguistik
- Module Overview
- More information TBA
- German name: Japanologie
- Module Overview
- Note: registration for the Japanese course via StudOn before start of lectures is mandatory.
- For questions regarding Japanese Studies as a minor, please contact the relevant department.
- German name: Jura / Rechtswissenschaften
- Module Overview
- Module Descriptions “Law as Minor”
- German name: Mathematik
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- For questions regarding Mathematics as a minor, please contact the SSC.
- German name: Maschinenbau
- Module Overview
- Slides for introductory lectures:
1. Product Development
2. Automated Manufacturing
3. Metrology and Quality Sciences
- German name: Medizin / Medizinische Informatik
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- German name: Philosophie
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- German name: Physik
- Module Overview
- German name: Politische Wissenschaften
- Module Overview
- German name: Psychologie
- Module Overview
- Slides of the introductory lecture
- German name: Romanistik
- Module Overview
- German name: Skandinavistik
- Module Overview
- Module Descriptions
- Relevant Department
- German name: Soziologie
- Module Overview