Here you will find helpful links for your studies at FAU and life in Erlangen:
- BAföG (Studierendenwerk, site in German)
- FAU Germany Scholarship
- FAU Scholarships for international students about to graduate
- Prominent scholarship organisations
- FAU Campus overview
- FAU Career Service
- FAU Events
- FAU Family Service
- FAU First Steps for International Students
- FAU General information for students
- FAU Health Insurance information
- FAU International Service
- FAU Language Center
- FAU News (site in German)
- FAU Student Initiatives
- FAU Welcome Service
- FAU-TF Advice and Services
- FAU-TF Information Centre
- FAU-TF Information for students
- FAU-TF Introductory Events
- FAU-TF Lost & Found
- FAU-TF Starting at FAU
- Housing (Studierendenwerk), Housing (FAU)
- Legal Advice (Studierendenwerk)
- Menus of the refectories and cafeterias (Studierendenwerk)
- Social Counselling Service (Studierendenwerk)